Moon Magic Course

Understand how to use the current astrology to ignite the magic in your life!

Every other week, during the peak of the full and new Moons, we gather as a community to explore the cosmic wisdom and harness the potent energies of these lunar phases. Each session is crafted to help you gain a deeper understanding of the astrological transits influencing the Moon's theme and how they impact different areas of your life. We also allocate time for questions and discussions. With this knowledge, you'll be empowered to navigate your life with greater intention, insight, and ease.

Additional Details:

  • Calls will be 90 min-2 hours twice a month

  • We will hold class within 3 days before or 1 day after the Full and New Moons

  • Class days and times will be given the month in advance

  • 8 people max per group

  • 1:1 available for 6 people only (First come, first serve)

  • Resources, personal audios and group texts sent throughout the course

  • Home Play/Action steps

  • All calls will be recorded

Course Investment

Class Only: $444/month

Class & 1:1 Option:

$711 or $3999 PIF


Identity Upgrade: Permission To Evolve