How often do you give yourself the true gift of time?
Can you focus 100% on something without letting anything or anyone disturb you?
Are you in the habit of putting everyone and everything else before yourself?
You’re not alone.
Many people are more committed to their careers, to-do lists, and obligations than to their dreams, goals, and personal growth.
Unconscious beliefs often drive us to recreate what we don’t want in our lives. While working with a coach regularly and dedicating a few hours to personal development is beneficial—and certainly a step ahead—it’s just the beginning. There’s a deeper path to achieving profound and lasting change.
In my three decades of experience, I’ve found that the most significant, enduring transformations occur through immersive experiences.
By stepping away from your usual environment and into a new one, you escape familiar triggers and gain the space to recognize and address the patterns holding you back. This immersion time and space allows you to focus on creating deeper love, connection, wealth, joy, self-love, and respect. When you invest in yourself this way, you can take charge of your life with renewed clarity.
In this dedicated time, you will practice integrating healthier patterns intentionally and establish a strong personal honor code. As you solidify your vision for who you want to be, you’ll return to your daily life more grounded and resilient.
Immersion Offerings
One on One
Small Groups
What to Expect
• Guidance through any area of life where there is challenge or blocks
• Meditations (sitting, walking, lying down, standing)
• Breathwork
• Movement
• Time in nature
• Somatic work
• Deeper dive into your astrological chart
• Inner child/trauma work
• Bodywork (in-person)
• Time for self-reflection
Potential Areas to be Covered:
• Emotions you want to disassociate with that have become a part of your identity (fear, unworthiness, anger, judgment, guilt, self-judgment, confusion)
• Uncovering unconscious core beliefs
• Aligning to your updated core values
• Brain Rewiring: Training the brain and body
• Discovering your highest purpose
• Curating personal tools to stay aligned with your highest purpose
• Activating your psychic and intuitive abilities
• Creating greater brain and heart coherence
• Tools to unlock the body from the mind
• Activate greater health and wellness using food, exercise, and breathwork
• Gain a greater understanding of how the brain and the autonomic nervous system work
• Daily rituals and practices to stay connected to who you are choosing to be
• Healing inner child traumas and wounds
• Developing healthy boundaries
• Using your astrological chart to learn how best to honor your challenges, activate your superpowers, and gifts while setting yourself up for success.
• Working with the energy centers of the body (chakra centers)
• Working with your angels and guides
• Ceremony/ritual to release stagnant, old energies, people, ideas
“My immersion with Val was basically like a crash course- intense and impactful- in leaning into the light, in seeing the good in life. When you do an immersion, Val gets to experience you fully and it's amazing what she can see; she helps you breaks patterns of thinking that I thought I had already let go of, but these patterns have a way of creeping back in so that we don't even notice them anymore, but they still influence how we show up in life. Val notices it all, she knows when you're deserting yourself and she can bring you back to being the person you truly want to be; she shows you other ways of being or dealing with contrast that feels good instead of it feeling like a fight. Working with Val has changed my life.” Jess N, Minnesota
“My immersion with Val was truly life changing. Val took our natural flowing conversation and found the perfect moments to ask very specific questions or point out certain language or ideas I expressed, in a way that pointed out subconscious beliefs that I had never faced in such depth before. I am someone who has always been able to intellectualize my feelings, always been able to know what I “should” be doing to reach my goals. My immersion with Val helped me release the “shoulds” and forgive the part of me that is so hard on myself. Through this newfound compassion and commitment for myself, I have experienced a new outlook on life and a level of self love and honor that I never thought possible before.” Yasmin - Denver, CO