• Consciously Create Your Reality

    Make it a daily habit – Whether you’re just starting this journey or looking to reignite your progress, this 30-day challenge is here to help you take simple, actionable steps every day. These small shifts will empower you to move through your day with greater personal strength, integrity, and self-respect, as you raise your frequency to new levels. 

    It’s also a great way to bring those closest to you into the fold, helping them better understand the work you’re doing, or even get them speaking the same language as you.

    What’s included:
    Every other day, you will receive an email with a new tool, a video explaining the Why and What behind it, plus some "Home Play" – practical action steps to turn the insights into real-life changes. This isn’t just about learning; it’s about integrating new, positive habits into your daily life that last. 

  • Design Your Destiny

    Design Your Destiny

    This program is designed to be your foundation, helping you navigate the ups and downs of life with greater ease and integrity. Thoughtfully curated to make you feel safe and seen within a supportive, like-minded community, you’ll have companions every step of the way.

    Val guides you through specific lessons that you can revisit regularly, supporting you to build new behaviors and ways of being. As you move through the course, you’ll naturally release old patterns, beliefs, and habits that no longer align with the person you are becoming.

    This is a pre-requisite for the 12-Month Sacred Path Lifestyle Course and to be completed within 3 months prior to beginning the program. All content is available online for you to access at any time.

    You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. If you have friends, coworkers, employees, partners, or family members who you think would benefit from this, it’s a wonderful gift to offer them as you embark on this journey together!

    Topics covered: 
    - Everything is Energy: Anabolic vs. Catabolic 

    - 4 Main Archetypes: Victim, Child, Prostitute, Saboteur 

    - Perception

    - You are the Director

    - Becoming Magnetic - Like Attracts Like

    - Intention Setting and the Energy Behind It

    - The Power of Breath & Why It’s Important

    - Integration - Getting Mind, Body, and Emotions Online

    - Permission Slips

    - How To’s of Meditation. 

    * Bonus: 1 Downloadable Meditation to support regulating the nervous system

  • Sacred Path Lifestyle

    Sacred Path Lifestyle

    Slipping back into old patterns and behaviors isn’t a problem—it’s actually a sign that your Soul is ready to anchor in the new way of being even more deeply. However, during those moments of wobble, it’s common to experience self-sabotage, frustration, victim mentality, or unhealthy behaviors.

    Simply knowing the tools isn’t enough! We are action-oriented beings, which means we have to actively practice the new behaviors and ways of being in order to truly become the person we know we are meant to be. To make lasting change, we need to get all parts of ourselves “online”—our body, our mind, and our emotions. If you’re more familiar with feelings of guilt, worry, proving yourself, or the sense of not being enough, those will be your default reactions until you consciously shift them.

    This year-long program is designed to provide you with the support, guidance, and actionable steps you need. You will not only learn to dream a new life into existence—you’ll become the person who is living it.

    All topics, training sessions, and discussions are organized into four main themes: Finding Peace with the Past, Relationships, Health and Body Wellness, and Astrology & Archetypes. You’ll have the flexibility to navigate through the content and explore material that aligns with your needs in each of these areas. By integrating these lessons together, you'll cultivate a deeper, more authentic sense of self, seamlessly incorporating your new insights into your daily life.

    Every other week, Val will guide you through a discussion related to one of the four key themes, diving into topics and challenges that members of the group are currently working through. She will offer insights and tools that you can revisit regularly, helping you build new behaviors and ways of being.

    Twice a month, Brett Ebling will facilitate an integration call, providing a safe space for you to share your experiences, celebrate your wins, and work through any shame, guilt, grief, or resistance that might arise. This is a chance to process and embrace those parts of yourself, rather than suppress them, because we know that what we resist only persists.

    What you receive:

    - Bi-weekly live calls with Val

    - Bi-weekly Integration Calls with Brett

    - A catalog of over 30 years’ worth of tools and informational videos that Val herself uses

    - Video movement and breathing exercises

    - Sacred Pauses—an opportunity to pause and ground yourself in the middle of your day

    - Recorded walking, lying down and seated meditations

    - Ongoing, real-time lessons Val applies as she continues her own journey of growth

    - Additional outside resources 

    - Discounted immersion pricing. (Click immersion tab for more information)

    Important  notes:

    Clients are vetted with an application and call in order to participate.

    The Design Your Destiny is a prerequisite for the 12-month program, and to be completed within 3-months prior to beginning the 12-month course. This will give you access to foundational teachings and lessons to set you up for success, helping you solidify your integration of the material.

    Space is limited for each immersion and spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Access to enter the 12-month program is available quarterly only.

I am deeply and passionately committed to my clients.  

How much you invest in yourself is the level in which you can allow in. 

I will meet you where you are, and wherever you start is perfect. 

I am here to empower you. 

I will not fight for your limitations, coddle you, or carry you up a mountain.  

I will continue to point you in a direction of taking full responsibility for your life,

cultivating the knowing that everything showing up for you is happening for you.  

You are not here to play small. 

You are the creator of your life. 

You are either creating by default, allowing your false perceptions and limiting beliefs to guide you, 

or you are creating by design.  

You get to decide. 

Feeding patterns of  blame, attempting to manage everyone around you, or constantly being at the effect of external circumstances are some of the conditioned, egoicmonkeymind’s little games that keep you captive.

Through our collaboration, you allow those tendencies to fall away, 

feeling more ease, freedom and gratitude for all of life. 

This is your becoming.

When you become the change, your life is an ecstatic unfolding of miracles.  

You don’t have to flail in your becoming, or have it be a sufferfest.

 Sometimes it’s a little easier with a sturdy handrail.