Events & Workshops
Have Val Come to You
Whether you are looking for a speaker for your event, your business, your festival or a group of friends, Val has a list of options. Check out her offerings and reach out to her to speak about how she can tailor something specifically to meet your needs.
In this call we will discuss:
The Archetypes of the astrological energies playing out
The light and the shadow
How they may not only be effecting you, how you can capitalize on them for your benefit
There will be questions and journal prompts within the call
We will discuss ways in which you can get support
Then we will drop into meditation.
Come Prepared:
Bring something to take notes on-Journal or computer
Eye mask and perhaps headphone/ear pods for the meditation
Light a candle if you choose to ignite the energy and burn away what is ready to go
Something to drink and stay hydrated
Create a space where you won’t be interrupted.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 830 4240 5878
One tap mobile
+17193594580,,83042405878# US
Important Note: The class will be an hour(ish)…as you know I am in the feminine when we lead, please leave wiggle room
Give yourself at least 75 minutes
New Moon in Aquarius
Join us for a free class covering the Aquarius new Moon and the current transits. We will finish with a new Moon meditation.
February 8, 5-6ish PM MST
**Please show up with your video on if you can**
Our Services
Vitality Track
Vitality Track was created with the understanding that integrating a higher level of consciousness within a company initiates effective communication, mindful interaction, greater time management, and cohesiveness. It is our mission to support companies in generating greater external productivity by initiating internal vibrant health in order to reach their personal and collective goals.
Workshop & Events
Val’s infectious living-large nature encourages people to discover their greatness and play big in the world. Her wish is that people become more connected to the wisdom of their bodies and to the guidance that is within and around them.
Events & Workshops include: Generating Internal Balance, Establishing A Personal Honor Code, Deepening Your Intuition & Connecting With Your Guides, Designing Your Destiny, Embodiment Work, and more.