In each package, I offer my unique guidance relative to your personal journey, while providing a solid structure.  It is from this steady foundation, you energetically align to your own truth and transform powerfully.

The package you choose depends on your readiness and willingness to commit to yourself. 

I am deeply and passionately committed to my clients.  

How much you invest in yourself is the level in which you can allow in. 

I will meet you where you are, and wherever you start is perfect. 

I am here to empower you. 

I will not fight for your limitations, coddle you, or carry you up a mountain.  

I will continue to point you in a direction of taking full responsibility for your life,

cultivating the knowing that everything showing up for you is happening for you.  

You are not here to play small. 

You are the creator of your life. 

You are either creating by default, allowing your false perceptions and limiting beliefs to guide you, 

or you are creating by design.  

You get to decide. 

Feeding patterns of  blame, attempting to manage everyone around you, or constantly being at the effect of external circumstances are some of the conditioned, egoicmonkeymind’s little games that keep you captive.

Through our collaboration, you allow those tendencies to fall away, 

feeling more ease, freedom and gratitude for all of life. 

This is your becoming.

When you become the change, your life is an ecstatic unfolding of miracles.  

You don’t have to flail in your becoming, or have it be a sufferfest.

 Sometimes it’s a little easier with a sturdy handrail.

Six and year long contracts only

  • Personal Rebrand Package

    • Five days a week, 10-minute check in’s

    • 1 hour coaching/counseling session per week

    • After the first 3 months, hours may be used in whatever capacity the client desires: Personal, family, relationship, business, immersion

    • Quarterly: 2 day immersions within the year

    • Client is invited to attend any online courses occurring during contractual period 

    • Personal time with Val can be used for client solo or with others: 

      - Health/Fitness/Nutrition Coaching

      - Developing a meditation/mindfulness practice

      - Family, Business, Couples Coaching

      - Entrepreneurship and Business Coaching

      - Developing/deepening Spiritual practice/connection (intuition, angels & guides, etc)

    *Client is responsible for travel & accommodations. Immersions can be used solo, family, business, relationship, children, etc *

  • Total Calibration

    • 1 hour coaching/counseling session per week

    • After the first 3 months, hours may be used in whatever capacity the client desires: Personal, family, relationship, business

    • Client is invited to attend any online courses occurring during contractual period

    • Quarterly: 1-day immersions within the year.

    • Discount price on additional immersion days

      *Client is responsible for travel & accommodations*

  • Cultivation Package

    • 1 hour coaching/counseling sessions every other week

    • Discount price on additional immersion

      *Client is responsible for travel & accommodations*

  • The Awakening Gold

    • 2 coaching/counseling sessions per month